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Advisable Items for the HCG Diet
Advisable Items for the HCG Diet

HCG Injections VS Weight Loss Pills

HCG Injections VS Weight Loss Pills

The number of obese people increases at an alarming rate in the US. It becomes the basis why lots of weight loss products are everywhere. Losing extra weight eliminates diseases and boosts your energy.

The weight loss pills

Weight loss pills are products that claim to help in weight loss. Using pills for weight loss has lots of risks to your health. It does not provide proper FDA guidelines for prescription drugs. Diet pill producers can make promises about their products base on factless studies. Through this, they attract costumer to waste money and buy them. Along with zero progress on weight loss, they also link in health problems.

Some concerns for diet pills are:

  • It has additional supplements that destroy your health.
  • Weight loss pills worsen existing diseases.
  • They can trigger high blood pressure.
  • Imbalance metabolism
  • Results to anxiety

Before you start with weight loss programs, ensure you talk to your doctor. Any regimen that is not permissible by health workers is dangerous for your body. Avoid introducing pills and other supplements in your body through self-medication.

Why choose the HCG injections over diet pills?

The HCG injection is straightforward in dealing with your fats. It targets the ard-to-reach areas of your body for fat-burning. The HCG injection is easy to administer and has faster effects. Taking the HCG injections allows you to lose up to five pounds per week.

The benefits of using HCG injections for weight loss

Using the HCG for weight loss assists your body in reaching your weight loss goal. It is a safe option than going through surgeries or taking pills. The lifetime benefits of using HCG for weight loss are:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Increase muscle strength and mass
  • Healthy blood cells
  • Healthy bones
  • Increase energy and circulation of nutrients
  • Balances your hormone
  • Increases your metabolic rate
  • Lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer

Should men take the HCG injections?

Although HCG is a hormone present at high veles during pregnancy, men can also use them for weight loss. It helps in increasing testosterone levels and preserving muscle mass. Ensure you maintain 500 calories per day when you take the HCG shots.

How does the HCG diet work?

The HCG works by reaching the reward center of your brain and resets your metabolism. When the metabolism is at a higher rate, the fat burning will start. The HCG also suppresses your appetite and makes you stay full during the VLCD. It targets your fats as soon as it spreads in your system. Unlike weight loss pills, the HCG diet does not cause hunger pangs and muscle loss.

How to use the HCG injections?

The injection is given into the muscle or under the skin. The typical dose of HCG is 125ius to 150ius. Ensure you clean the needles with alcohol wipes before you administer them to your skin. Use the medical form of HCG that comes in a sterile and pure liquid. Avoid using the HCG when you see discoloration. Take your HCG injections every morning to help suppress your appetite for the entire day.
