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Advisable Items for the HCG Diet
Advisable Items for the HCG Diet

HCG Diet Instructions

HCG Diet Instructions

The HCG diet is a medically supervised program. You can only eat between 500 to 800 calories per day subjects on the protocol you follow. The HCG diet provides a food list and other tips you can follow while using the diet hormone. The HCG has four phases that you need to accomplish in reaching your weight loss goal.

It is essential to learn what is in the HCG diet protocol before you start dieting. Ensure you have enough idea on how the diet works. When you buy HCG injections for weight loss, ensure that it comes from a medically supervised program.

The HCG appears to do two things in the body:

First is it can curb hunger by suppressing your appetite during the VLCD. It prevents you from reaching unhealthy snack food and drinks.

The second thing is preserving your lean muscle mass. Unlike other regimens, the HCG will leave your muscle mass behind as it works straightforward in burning stubborn fats. These two factors stabilize your overall health and make Phase 2 bearable.

How much weight can you lose on the HCG Diet?

Women can lose about 25 pounds in a 6weeks program. Men tend to lose one pound per day. Individual differences can also affect your progress on the HCG diet. Nonetheless, it works faster regardless of your body type, age, and gender.

HCG diet Instructions

Begin your HCG diet with the regular shot of HCG in combination with VLCD. It is essential to increase your energy during the very low-calorie phase. You can follow this basic meal plan on your HCG diet:


  • Herbal Tea or coffee
  • Avoid eating solid foods
  • You can also add a tablespoon of milk but ensure it is unsweetened.


  • One fruit serving


  • 100 grams of lean chicken, fish, or beef meat
  • A bowl of vegetables
  • One melba toast or breadstick

Mid-afternoon Snack:

  • One fruit serving


  • 100 grams of lean protein
  • A handful of vegetables
  • One cracker or melba toast

Rules of the HCG Diet

  • Take your HCG shots every morning to maintain your energy and suppress your appetite. You can administer at least 120ius or not more than 150ius of HCG per day. If you are unsure of the dosage, talk to your doctor for further recommendations.
  • During the second phase of the HCG diet, stirk to organic and whole food choices.
  • Maintain hydration by drinking an adequate amount of water per day.
  • Avoid eating foods when you are not hungry because they can add more calories to your diet.
  • Weigh yourself every day and record your progress on your journal to determine gains and losses.
  • Maintain proper portioning to keep your calorie intake and avoid overdoing during the VLCD.
  • Weigh your food before cooking them and remove the visible fats from the meat.

Approved Food Choices on the HCG Diet

  • Beef, chicken breast, lobster, shrimp, and crab
  • Celery, chard, cucumber, chicory, and cabbage
  • Beet greens, asparagus, fennel, and lettuce
  • Radish, onions, tomatoes, spinach, and cauliflower
  • Zucchini, carrots, broccoli, kale, and mushrooms
  • Orange, apple, lemon, and grapefruit
  • Pears, peaches, and apricot