Start the HCG diet program and prepare to have some adjustments. When you go through this weight loss process, you need to commit to finishing it on time. As you start taking HCG injections, you need to eliminate certain food and drinks. As you exert your effort, you also have to sacrifice something. It means that you have to eliminate something on your diet to lose weight. There are several unhealthy drinks you should avoid such as;
- Diet soda- This unhealthy beverage has zero nutritional benefits and has nothing to do with reaching your weight loss goal. Diet soda only contributes empty calories which can be a leading cause of weight gain. On the HCG diet, you are not only working on your fitness but also being healthy at the same time.
- Sugary coffee drinks- Avoid adding some whipped creams, chocolate syrup, and sugar syrups to your coffee. You are also not allowed to purchase flavored coffee. Bursting sugar can add more calories to your system which is not allowed during the VLCD.
- Fruit juice drinks– Fruits are healthy food, but processed fruit juice is not. Aside from the sugar from the fruit itself, fruit juices also contain added flavorings. It improves the taste of the juice. Avoid process juice because it can stimulate your appetite and cravings.
- Flavored water- Processed and flavored water products claim to have vitamins on them. You should be careful with these because they can slow down your progress on the HCG diet. Flavored water contains artificial sweeteners that are not meant for your VLCD. When you purchase water you have to check its label and ensure that it is natural.
- Frozen or mixed drinks- These are some of the culprits of rapid weight gain. Frozen and mixed drinks have excessive calorie content with artificial colors and sweeteners. It does not contain any nutritional value to help you with weight loss. Avoid frozen drinks because they are not meant for your HCG diet.
- Sports drinks and liquor- Sports drinks contain artificial sweeteners and additives. It is loaded with sugar and unhealthy ingredients that can stop your weight loss. Liquor is one of the leading causes of obesity and other health problems. The more alcohol content, the more calories you gain in drinking liquor.
Most unhealthy drinks contain sugar and can stop you from losing weight. So, it is a must that you have to check the sugar levels of your drinks or if the beverage has sugar content. Reading labels can help you achieve weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Watch out for every beverage that you are drinking. For better options, you should stick to having sugar-free tea, coffee, and water.
Importance of eliminating unhealthy drinks on HCG diet
The HCG can start its work when there are no foreign chemicals in your body. Chemicals that are added to unhealthy drinks can interfere with the HCG. Eliminating unhealthy drinks can boost your immune system, metabolism, and fat loss. Improve your hydration during the HCG diet by drinking lots of water. It staves off toxins and burns fats out of your body.