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Advisable Items for the HCG Diet
Advisable Items for the HCG Diet

Advisable Items for the HCG Diet

Advisable Items for the HCG Diet

For those of you that are beginning the HCG diet, it can be very overwhelming with all the items you need to buy.  First, ensure to get an adequate time of sleep and drink plenty of water before you start the diet. Second, load more on protein-rich foods because it suppresses hunger throughout the VLCD phase. Lastly, store more healthy foods in your pantry.

Before starting the HCG diet, gather more information and tools to help you stick to the program. You can also read the manuscript of Dr. Simmeons online for more success tips. The HCG diet has limited food choices but it does not limit the nutrients you get every day.

The required items for the HCG diet:

  • HCG diet kit

It is essential for your daily dosing of the diet hormone. Purchase HCG kits from trusted providers to avoid compromising your health. The HCG kit includes a syringe, HCG solution and injection, bacteriostatic water, and alcohol wipes.

You also need to provide:

  • Kitchen scale or food scale
  • Weighing scale

Some highly suggested items are:

  • Non-stick grill

It maintains oil-free cooking. Grilling is a better cooking method than using cooking oils and other greases.

  • Zip-top bags for meal preparation. Weigh, cut, bag up, and cook the meat for meals. Ensure you get the proper portions size of each meal during the VLCD.
  • Stevia packets as a substitute for sugar.
  • Measuring tape to track your progress from time to time.
  • HCG diet safe Tiffalina’s Hand Sanitizer
  • HCG diet-safe lotion. You can use mineral oil or Tiffalina’s Body Lotion
  • HCG diet-safe Lip Moisturizer
  • HCG-diet safe oil-free shampoo and conditioner

For food dressings and spices, you will need:

  • HCG diet-approved spices. Opt for herbs and freshly picked spices than prepacked products.
  • Salad dressings are not advisable but you can use lemon juice, vinegar, and citrus ginger dressings.

If you have been thinking about starting the HCG diet study the weight loss protocol thoroughly. The HCG diet has limited choices but it is not depriving. Ensure to meet the nutritional demand of your body per day to prevent compromising your health.

HCG diet and important notes:

  • During the second phase of the HCG diet, ensure to drink lots of water to maintain your hydration. Water releases toxins from your body and boosts your satiety.
  • If you are considering the HCG diet, ensure to talk to your doctor before starting the program. It will help in assessing your body and overall health.
  • Administer your HCG injections every day to suppress your appetite and increase your energy.
  • Combine the HCG injections with a very low-calorie intake per day to avoid weight gain. The HCG program establishes healthy eating habits and leads you to make better food choices.

The best part about the HCG diet program is that you can get all of the nutrients your body needs every day regardless of the limited food choices. The HCG injection with help you get through the program without experiencing extreme hunger during the VLCD.
